Visual Page Parsing

SERPHouse uses AI-powered visual page inspection to deliver the most complete, and least brittle,
Google page parsing available.


Scalable & Queueless

Cloud infrastructure is built to withstand high volume API requests without the need of a queue.



We provides flexibility to choose Device such as Desktop, Tablet and Mobile. Because Search engine provides different results for different devices.

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Detailed API docs

We have a detailed documentation, where you can find all you needed.

SERPHouse uses propriatory visual page inspection to parse the Search engine results page without the need for manual rules that break when layouts change. As a result SERPHouse delivers more in-depth and detailed content from the results page, with greater consistency, than any other service.

SERP data is difficult, Frequently changing page layouts, bans and proxies. SERPHouse takes care of all that things and provides structured JSON result to your needs.


Full Browser Rendering

Behind the scenes SERPHouse renders every request in a full in-memory browser, executing javascript and loading content exactly as a human user would. This means SERPHouse can scrape all of the dynamic content that’s only rendered when the page loads.

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Search Engine

Our API supports most popular Google, Bing and Yahoo SE. You have to choose the right domain while requesting data over the API. You can retrive the list of supported Domains using our List of Domains API

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SERPHouse converts all the data from SE into the structured JSON. From SE we take more than 11 different snippets and responding back in JSON.


Language, Location and Device

We supports 102,029 location worldwide, 15+ languages including RTL languages and Desktop, Tablet and Mobile devices.

Web News Image

Web, Image & News

Our REST API supports different result types web, image and news. Request data as per your requirement and take the result in structured JSON

Visual Page Parsing


With Live SERP API Each request runs immediately – no waiting, no queue. It will take up to 1 - 5 seconds to give you the result

Pay on Success

Pay on Success

Our pricing model is to pay on success. Our system only burn credits when you get the successful response. We do not burn credits for failed results.

HTML and JSON Data


We offers HTML and JSON response type. It's up to your requirement which data type fits to your requirement.

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