SERP API Playground

SERPHouse provides the best way to get started by playing with our API Playground. Use our API playground to experiment and explore SERP (Search Engine Results Page) data in a user-friendly environment and see the real-time API performance. 


Experiment with Search API parameters.

Our API comes with different parameters to control the expected response as per the user neeeds.

HTML and JSON Data


Playground helps you to compare Structured JSON with Realtime HTML. You can eigher use HTML or JSON with your integration



Our API Playground respond you a realtime result on your screen to make compare and validate the result before moving to production

API Playground



Database Icon Image

Vast Proxy Network

SERPHouse internally routes requests through a vast network of over 45 million residential proxies for extreme performance and reliability.

File AI Icon

AI Page Parsing

AI-powered page parsing, full-browser rendering and javascript execution mean the results SERPHouse returns are exactly that that a human user would see.

Puzzle Icon

Captcha Solving

SERPHouse internally resolves CAPTCHA challenges via machine learning & crowdsourcing - no maintenance overhead needed - it just works.

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