
SERPHouse allows you to use Batch processing when you have a higher number of searches to do.
  You can use our Pingback OR Postback features to automate your SERPHouse API Experience

Postback URL


Pingback URL

Postback URL

Postback is commonly known as a Webhook. While using our Batch API (Delayed SERP API) postback url helps you to reduce your backend work.

While sending Batch Processing request you are allowed to send upto 100 keywords in single request with postback_url to each keywords you sent.

Once your request come to SERPHouse server, Our Backend makes a Queue of your keywords and executes on concurrent thread. As soon as our backend completes keyword processing, You will get an HTTP POST Request on your provided postback_url

As soon as you receive our request, You have to safely validate and store data on your storage and free up our request within a specified timeout. 

Our Postback Feature will served via HTTP POST Request with JSON Body. You have 3 seconds to complete our request otherwise it will get timeout.

Pingback URL

Pingback is also known as callback, It alert you when desired task is completed.

Pingback URL will alert you when your scheduled search have been complete, For e.g if you have sent 100 keywords batch request and now once SERPHouse server completes those keyword processing they will start hitting pingback_url if you have provided URL. 

Once you receive pingback request from our server that means your keyword search has been completed and now it’s ready to retrive data from our server using GET SERP Result API. 

Our Pingback Feature will served via HTTP GET Request. You have 3 seconds to complete our request otherwise it will get timeout.

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