Bulk Processing

Everything that you needs To build you own SEO tool.

“We run over 500,000 SERP queries daily through SERPHouse Batches. Only SERPHouse met our strict scale and reliability requirements. It’s a hugely impressive platform.”
Batches allow you to run up to 15,000 Searches in bulk. Build them visually or via the Batches API. Set a schedule and have SERPHouse take care of the rest.

Meet SERPHouse Delayed SERP.


Built for SERP

Delayed SERP allow you to enqueue large volumes of searches and have SERPHouse execute them internally. Delayed SERP removes the complexity of large-scale SERP data collection and let you focus on the results.


Delayed SERP API

User our Schedule SERP API to schedule a large number of search in just 1 api call. You will get 100% success rate using delayed SERP.
Use our pinback & postback features to automatically deliver result on your server.



When you use our Delayed SERP API, SERPHouse creates new process for your request in
server and executes all your search queries on priority based.
If you have provided postback URL in the schedule request then once your query executed
successfully, SERPHouse will throw result on that URL using HTTP POST

There’s an API for that

Building apps that need access to mass-volume SERP data? Use the Delayed SERP API to programmatically execute and retrieve results from hundreds of thousands of searches without any maintenance overhead.


Delayed API

Create a list of search terms and use our API to set execution in background and retrieve results by unique ID. Deliver high-scale Google SERP Data apps and let SERPHouse handle the details.



SERPHouse sends an HTTP POST to your app when search is completed. No need to wait for result. Get instantly notified when result is ready for ingest into your app. To use this feature use postback_url or pingback_url while using the delayed API

Retrieve results

Retrieve results

We also have API to get result of any of your SERP using the unique id. You will get the unique id when you call the delayed serp api.

mobile search
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